Monday, April 4, 2011

Budget Basis for 2011

Mayor Bob Young prepared this outline of the Budget Basis for the Public Budget meeting last month. It's quite a helpful synopsis.


  1. This is a minimalist budget
  2. Staff salary freeze
  3. Front office reception trial ends in June – automated phone answering
  4. Includes going it alone on IT
  5. No change to and Senior Centres
  6. Accepted $5,000 reduction on Libraries budgets
  7. Reduced mil rate to accommodate increase in assessment
  8. Included the use of $100k from Original Lakeshore Road Allowance from Reserves.
  9. Included potential revenue of $100k from sale of assets
  10. Minimized spending on Roads and Public Works but included the necessary items
  11. Budget includes debt (debenture) repayment
    1. This will be separated out as an individual line item on the tax statements
  12. The two Tourist information kiosks will be shut down and the monies in the budget redirected to more cost effective tourism initiatives
  13. Budget includes new initiatives:
    1. Laptops for Council (4) - $4,000
    2. Volunteer firefighters benefits plan - $25,000
    3. Fire equipment reserve - $10,000
    4. Fire Dept. Master Plan - $20,000
    5. Public Works training - $20,400
    6. Public Works equipment for sign inspections - $15,000
    7. Money will be included in the capital budget (approximately $5,000) for the demolition of the two buildings at the Dwight Outdoor Rink.  This money will be transferred from the Parks Reserve Fund.
    8. Grant request from Muskoka Watershed - $500


  1. Deficit is reduced to $316,376 from $580k
  2. On the base budget no tax increase
  3. However there will be a separate line item on the tax statements for deficit recovery equivalent to $12-$13 per $100,000 assessment

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