Mayor Bob Young prepared this outline of the Budget Basis for the Public Budget meeting last month. It's quite a helpful synopsis.
- This is a minimalist budget
- Staff salary freeze
- Front office reception trial ends in June – automated phone answering
- Includes going it alone on IT
- No change to and Senior Centres
- Accepted $5,000 reduction on Libraries budgets
- Reduced mil rate to accommodate increase in assessment
- Included the use of $100k from Original Lakeshore Road Allowance from Reserves.
- Included potential revenue of $100k from sale of assets
- Minimized spending on Roads and Public Works but included the necessary items
- Budget includes debt (debenture) repayment
- This will be separated out as an individual line item on the tax statements
- The two Tourist information kiosks will be shut down and the monies in the budget redirected to more cost effective tourism initiatives
- Budget includes new initiatives:
- Laptops for Council (4) - $4,000
- Volunteer firefighters benefits plan - $25,000
- Fire equipment reserve - $10,000
- Fire Dept. Master Plan - $20,000
- Public Works training - $20,400
- Public Works equipment for sign inspections - $15,000
- Money will be included in the capital budget (approximately $5,000) for the demolition of the two buildings at the Dwight Outdoor Rink. This money will be transferred from the Parks Reserve Fund.
- Grant request from Muskoka Watershed - $500
- Deficit is reduced to $316,376 from $580k
- On the base budget no tax increase
- However there will be a separate line item on the tax statements for deficit recovery equivalent to $12-$13 per $100,000 assessment
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