Tuesday, September 28, 2010

What I'm Hearing, What I'm Thinking!

Shane Baker wants to promote a hydro generating plant at the Baysville Dam, citing it would bring it $500,000 /year to the Township. Which might be an interesting project, if... Shane says the government is guaranteeing eighty cents/kilowatt hour for the next twenty years. They are not. It was clawed way back, earlier in the year. Now, for hydro-g, it's about sixteen cents/kilowatt hour, which means a longer payback time. Shane had no number for the business plan, the cost of the new infrastructure or for taking over the management and costs of the whole dam, since MNR doesn't do that once someone else puts a generation station there. Baysville community would have to decide if they want to lose the ability to fish, boat and swim above and below the dam, since those activities are not permitted currently around any generation station, no matter how modern or unobtrusive is the design. I'd feel better about the proposal if it had been advanced with correct numbers, and more information on the background costs. There are way too many issues, including environmental studies, economic impact, infrastructure debt, for this to be a good election platform. In my opinion...

1 comment:

  1. A wedge issue, Nancy? I'm sure you've read about the NIMBY movement re: Bala Falls Hydro Project.
    This isn't something that politicians want to wade into!
